2610 The Quadrant, Bristol, BS32 4AQ

01225 696944 mckenzieandco@sjpp.co.uk

Retirement planning

Securing the Financial Future you want

A question we are asked a lot is how much money do I need to retire? In truth there is no easy answer because everyone is different; they have different circumstances and different wants, needs or expectations for their life after work.


Pensions are a critical aspect of retirement planning and in securing a comfortable and financially stable future. The team at McKenzie and Co will help you set goals; estimate your retirement expenses, based on the type of activities you want to pursue, and the level of financial independence you desire. We will then implement strategies to accumulate the necessary funds. This web page aims to provide an overview of retirement planning and guide you through the key steps to achieve your retirement goals.


Whatever age you are, it is never too early to plan for your future. The sooner you start, the sooner (potentially) you can achieve your retirement goals. It’s hard to put an exact figure on exactly how much anyone needs later in life, but by starting early and working out how best to build up your pension pot, the better position you will be in to live your best life in retirement. 


Start with the end in mind. Evaluate your current financial status to determine how well-prepared you are for retirement and then ask yourself, where do you want to live, how many and what type of holidays do you want a year, do you have any hobbies or interests you want to pursue as you get older? People often make the mistake of mapping current spending levels to their later lives. While certain aspects of this can be accurate, it is important to consider how lifestyles, financial commitments and spare time can change. 


As we get older our living costs will probably change – often significantly. People tend to spend less on fixed housing costs as their monthly mortgage fees go down or as terms end, but might spend more on lighting, heating, healthcare and insurance.


Typically, in retirement income comes from three major sources, their State Pension a private and/or workplace pension and depending on their circumstances some people receive income, from property or investments, for example.

As a Partner Practice of St. James’s Place we work with a carefully selected panel of providers who’ll be on hand to ensure everything is moving smoothly in the right direction.


We offer the following products:

Our advisers will then create a retirement plan that aligns with your risk tolerance and preferred timeline. We can identify suitable investment vehicles such as stocks, bonds, or offshore investments that can help grow your retirement savings over time. 


And when the time comes we will advise you on the most tax efficient way to access your retirement funds and investments


The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of funds you select, and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you initially invested.


Please note that SIPPs will not be suitable for everybody, as they require investors to be happy in making their own investment decisions and may incur costs not usually associated with other types of pension schemes.

Plan for your
