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Bright Blue Monday

The third Monday of January – the 16th this year – is typically referred to as Blue Monday. It was awarded this rather gloomy moniker due to a perfect storm of post-Christmas blues, cold dark nights and the arrival of unpaid credit card bills.

The origins of the formula for selecting this day remain unclear but it is clear that as we enter this new year we are experiencing a period of political, economic and social uncertainty.

However, rather than go with the flow, at the end of last year, Tristan and Ed decided it would be interesting to record a series of podcasts with the intention of providing a more optimistic outlook for the year ahead.  2022 will go down as a very tough year,  but they wanted people to know that they aren’t alone and that there are still many paths that can lead to a more positive future, and that most importantly perhaps, they are rooting for you.

This episode, discusses good saving habit, the Butterfly Effect and how small changes lead to big impacts, why to pay yourself first, why global inflation isn’t as bad as it seems, how investing at the bottom of a market can be less risky and wht get rich slowly is much better than trying to get rich quick.